What do we mean by Star porutham ?
Do we have to see Star porutham and the horoscopes match
before finalizing an alliance? What are the advantages and benefits in the Marriage star porutham
and Horoscope Matching? Will itl benefit the couples? This Star porutham Table & Chart
Provides you with near matching Nakshatra (constellations know as Star)
are of Boy's. Though this table provides the best possible results, please
consult Astrologer
for other aspects such as longevity, health, wealth & Mangalik Doshams
i.e. Kuja or Chevvai dosham etc.
Girl's Birth star or Sthree Nakshatram
Suitable boys Stars (Matching
Purusha Nakshatram)
Aswinee - Aswini – Ashwini
Best: Aswinee, Bharani, Rohini, Thiruvathirai,
Poosam, Pooram, Uthiram, Hastham, Chithirai, Swathi, Anusham, Pooradam,
Uthiradam, Avittam, Poorattadhi.
Bharani - Barani
Best: Aswinee, Kruthikai, Punarpoosam, Ayilyam,
Makam, Uthiradam, Chithirai, Swathi, Thiruvonam, & Sathayam
Karthikai / Kiruthigai
Kruthikai /Kiruthikai
For Mesha Rasi Best:
Aswinee, Bharani, and For Rishabam-Rohini, Thiruvonam, Poosam, Makam, Pooram,
Chitirai, Swathi, Anusham, Thiruvonam, Avittam.
For Mesha & Rishabam: Aswinee, Kettai, Moolam,
Pooradam , Revathi.
Rohini / Rohinee
Best: Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam, Ayilyam,
Pooram, Uthiradam, Chithirai, Visakam Avittam, Poorattadhi.
Mrigasiram /Mrigaseersham
Best: Rohini, Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam,
Ayilyam, Pooram, Uthiram, Vishakam, Kettai Sathayam.
Ardra Or Thiruvathirai
Best: Mrigasirsham, Thiruvathirai, Punarpoosam,
Pooram, Chithirai, Kettai, Poorattathi, Revathi.
Best: Aswinee Rohini, Mrigasirsham,
Thiruvathirai, Poosam, Makam, Chithirai, Swathi, Anusham, Moolam,
Sathayam, Uthirattathi.
Poosam / Pusam
Best: Thiruvathirai, Ayilyam, Hastham,
Swathi, Visakam, Kettai, Thiruvonam, Revathi.
Best: Aswinee, Uthiram, Visakam,
Uthirattadhi, Avittam, Uthiradam.
Makam / Magam
Best: Bharani, Kruthikai, Rohini, Thiruvathirai,
Punarpoosam, Makam, Pooram, Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Pooram,
Thiruvonam, Sathayam.
Pooram / Puram
Poorva Phalguni
Best: Aswinee, Kruthikai, Mrigasirsham,
Punarpoosam, Makam, Sathayam, Kettai, Moolam, Avittam.
Best: Aswinee, Bharani, Rohini, Thiruvathirai,
Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Pooradam, Thiruvonam, Sathayam, Uthirattadhi,
Best: Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam, Chithirai,
Visakam, Kettai, Pooradam, Avittam.
Chithra - Chitra
Best: Same sign or Rasi: -Chithirai, Rohini,
Thiruvathirai, Uthiram, Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Moolam, Thiruvonam,
Sathayam, Uthirattadhi.
Swathi - Svathi
Best: Bharani, Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam,
Chithirai, Swathi- (same sign). Visakam, Kettai, Pooradam, Poorattadhi,
Best: Aswinee, Bharani, Rohini, Mrigasirsham,
Thiruvathirai, Poosam, Makam, Anusham, Moolam, Avittam, Sathayam,
Best: Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Punarpoosam
Ayilyam. Kettai, Thiruvonam, Sathayam, Poorattadhi, Revathi.
Best: Kruthikai, Uthiram, Moolam,
Uthiradam, Avittam, Poorattadhi, Uthirattadhi, Rohini Mrigasirsham,
/ Mulam
Best: Bharani, Thiruvathirai, Pooram Hastham,
Pooradam, Thiruvonam, Sathayam.
Pooradam / Puradam
Best: Uthiram, Chithirai, Visakam, Uthiradam,
Avittam, Poorattadhi, Revathi
Best: Aswinee, Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Poosam, Makam,
Pooram, Hastham, Swath,i Anusham, Moolam, Thiruvonam, Sathayam.
Best: Bharani, Kruthikai, Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam,
Ayilyam, Pooram, Chithirai, Visakam, Kettai, Uthiradam, Avittam, Poorattadhi,
Best: Aswinee, Kruthikai, Rohini, Thiruvathirai,
Poosam, Makam, Uthiradam, Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Moolam, Uthiram,
Thiruvonam, Sathayam, Uthirattadhi.
Sadhayam / Sathayam
Best: Bharani, Mrigasirsham, Punarpoosam, Makam,
Uthiram, Pooram, Chithirai, Visakam, Kettai, Pooradam, Avittam, Poorattadhi,
Poorattadhi / Purattathi
Best: Aswinee, Mrigasirsham, Thiruvathirai, Poosam,
Makam, Chithirai, Swathi, Anusham, Moolam, Uthirattadhi (Same sign the best).
Best: Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Punarpoosam,
Makam, Hastham, Swathi, Visakam, Kettai, Thiruvonam, Revathi.
Revathi - Rewati
Best: Kruthikai, Mrigasirsham, Punarvasu, Poosam,
Pooram, Uthiram (Kanya Rasi) -Hastham, Swathi, Anusham, Uthiradam
The general condition for
star matching is to count from
the Girl's star; however in some parts of India, they do count from the boy's
star for a match. It would look odd, if counted from a Grill's star the
horoscope and nakshatra might match fine, but if same is done from the boy's
star, it might give a contradicting verdict! Though the best suitable and
suggested stars are mentioned, in one or two cases, it is likely that you will
find the Rasi as 6th or 8th houses from boy's or' girl's star (Sashta-Ashtakam
known as Sashtashtakam). There is always an exception for some constellations
viz. Makam, Mrigaseersham, Thiruvathirai, Swathi & Poorattathi which are
considered for match even if Sashtashtaka Dosham is present.
The general opinion , whether it is Rasi Sashtashtakam or
Lagna Sashtashtakam, it is best to avoid these matches. Though, there
won't be any critical problem with this Rasi Sashtakam, if matched, the couple
will disagree in every single matter and lead a life with quarrel (& fight!)
daily, thus losing mental peace and happiness. It is said, the 6th & 8th
Houses denote enmity & longevity in general, the brain wave clash occurs
more frequently.
However, in a few
exceptional cases, we see, the couples are more co-operative, understanding and
fond of each other, despite the presence of sixth & 8th house match; in
these cases, though the Rasi stands to be opposing, the nakshatra lords are
friendly or equal! Only in this context, it is suggested to avoid. We
see a need to mention, as few ask for clarification, when a star is in the 8th
house of the moon sign from the boy or girl, how this can be matched!
Also, to avoid confusion, we have not listed the second best suited stars, which too
confuses them when it comes to star match. Even if Dina porutham is not there.
you can certainly consider other aspects if it is of not Same Rajju. (in a
very few exceptional cases, it is stated that the Pada Rajju is not of
much harmful and can be considered.)
Note: For Aswini,
Makam, Thiruvathirai, Mrigaseersham, Swathi &
Uthirattathi stars Same Rajju is acceptable. These are the only Starts that
gets an Exception for Rajju match. If it is the same star for boy and girl then it is
considered for alliance, but in general inter-alia within the above six other
stars, then not considered in general. Star matching can be considered if most
of the other aspects are scoring on the higher side.
Also, the following eight stars, if that are of
same for a boy or girl should never be considered for alliance: Bharani,
Ayilyam, Swathi, Kettai, Moolam, Avittam, sathayam & Poorattathi.
Kalathra Dosham
Horoscopes - a brief definitions.
Kalalthra Dosham or the
malefic effects of the 7th house from a boy or girl's horoscope is
discussed here. Please consult your astrologer before deciding the factors as
there are numerous exceptions and pariharams are given in the subject.
The placement of Sukran
(Venus), who is known as 'kalathrakarakan' (planet influencing spouse or life
partner), should be checked. If it is in 7th house, the horoscope has
dosham. It can be matched with only boys having Sukran (Venus) in 7th house.
If Rahu or Ketu is in
7th or 8th house from Lagnam (Ascendant) or Chandran (Raasi known as moon
sign), there is Rahu/Ketu dosham. For a match, there should be Rahu/Ketu
dosham in both girl's and boy's horoscope or both horoscopes should be free
from Rahu/Ketu dosham
If in a Girl's horoscope:
Mangalya Dosham
(Death of Husband or Wife) - Planetary alignment and positions that causes
early widowhood for girls are stated as under:
Strong malefic planet
in the 8th house in a female horoscope is stated to cause early widow hood. If this malefic who is
in the 8th house in female horoscopes is owner of the 7th house, and then
widowhood should not be predicted.
When there is a malefic
in the 8th house and if the 2nd or 4th house is occupied by strong benefic
like Jupiter the wife will predecease the husband, since 8th house aspect by
Jupiter even if there are malefic in the 7th house; and if the 8th house in
the horoscope of the girl if there is a strong and powerful benefic in her
9th house she will have both good marital life and prosperous children.
If 6th &
8th house lords are in conjunction and occupy the 7th house in a
female horoscope if moon with no digit strength occupies 7th house as lord of
the 6th which will happen only if lagna is Kumbha, if mars and Jupiter occupy
7th or if Saturn is alone in the 7th or if Saturn is alone in the 7th house
aspect by 8th lord she will become a widow.
If Saturn is in the 8th
house aspect by strong malefic in a female horoscope she may not get married.
There are some exceptions if other favorable factors in the horoscope are
If in a male horoscope
weak moon is in the 5th house from lagna and if lagna, seventh and twelfth houses
are occupied by other malefic he will neither have wife nor children.
If in a male horoscope:
Saturn in Pisces
(Meenam) as 7th house, and if the Star Sun is in the Lagna he will
lose his wife and this can happen only if lagna is in Virgo or Kanni.
Jupiter is in the 7th
in Virgo or Kanni and there are malefic in the 4th house from lagna, the wife
will meet with an early death.
Sun and Venus are
conjoined in the 5th, 7th, and 9th house from Lagna; the wife will have
deformity of limbs.
Sun and Rahu or Ketu
are in the 7th House he will loose all his wealth either through the bad
character of his wife or sickly wife.
If moon and Saturn are
in the 7th he will not have progeny. It is also likely that he may not get
If lord of the 8th is
in the seventh, he will lose his wife very early.
If Mars and Saturn are
in the seventh in Cancer, he will get a good and beautiful wife. This can
happen only if the lagna is Makara or Capricorn.
The lord of the seventh
house when placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth from lagna or ascendant but
not in his swakshetram (own sign) or exaltation sign ucha will afflict his
wife's health.
If Venus known as
Sukran, The Goddess of Love, is joined with a malefic planet the
persons wife will undergo serious afflictions even to the extent of affecting
her longevity the result will be the same if Venus or Sukran occupies her
debilitation sign neecha Rasi or an enemy sign or asthagatha combust.
If Saturn occupies
eighth or tenth house in a male horoscope it will afflict his wife's
If in a male horoscope
Rahu occupies the seventh house from the lagna or ascendant or Venus or the
moons sign it is said to cause his wife's death in earlier stage.
The above are a brief
compilation of most vital questions that arises while comparing horoscope for
marriage match. Please do not just come to conclusion that these are the only
things that one need to check or accept. There are many more explanations and
exceptions that speaks volume of other matters. Hence it is always suggested
to consult an experienced astrologer for other combinations for a suitable
star match for vivaha - marriage match.
the Hindu community in General known Vivaha Dasa Porutham according to Vedic
Astrology. (Star Matching & Compatibility according to Constellations).
STAR MATCH (Constellation)/ Dina Porutham or Nakshatra
Porutham: It is the compatibility of the birth star of the bride &
groom. This means the matching and coping tendency of the male & female
together for life time. It also indicates one's fortune and prosperity factor.
GANAM: Three classified characters of individuals are
listed being Deva (Divine), Manusha (Human) and Rakshasa (Demon).
This denotes the compatibility of Man & Woman to have even level of Ganam
that goes together. This shows the temperamental level of both gender.
MAHENDRAM: This indicates progeny and happiness together.
STHREE DHIRGAM: If this matches then the female counter part's
well being will be of fine after marriage and for life time, i.e. longevity of
YONI: Compatibility of private organs of man and
woman. The classified stars should not be of enemy's one. These yonis are
symbolized that are of some animals grouping, such as Tiger, Cow, Rat, Elephant
etc. This match is giving the desired level of satisfaction, sexual urge of nature,
for the matched couples in their sexual life and physical satisfaction for both
at par.
RASI: (Moon sign) - This is an indication of
overall compatibility of the couples.
RASI ATHIPATHI: (Lord of the Moon sign): This denotes the
finest relationship among groom & bride's parents & their family.
RAJJU: This is the most vital match that is the
essence of all other matches. If this mismatches, even if all other 9 matches
are found, then it should totally be rejected. It is an indication; the
mismatched Rajju is most fatal to any one of the couples. Must be avoided if
mismatch found in this particular aspect. This is the most important to any
caste among Hindus, as it might be fatal to any one of the couple. It is an
indicator of strength and weakness in married life.
NAADI: This is called of pulses of the stars
match and classified into three groups viz. parsuva, Madhya & Samana
naadi. This match is found then the woman counterpart will live long with
her husband. This also physiological constitution and compatibility.
VASIYAM: The magnetic control or amenability of the couple
and the mutual attraction to each other is denoted if this match found.
Vedhai - Any possible
challenges, doshas and afflictions, if any.
The above Hindu system horoscope match is
based on the Moon Sign and constellations (Nakshatra). If six out of ten
including the vital Rajju is matching, then it is recommended for alliance. The
match above 51% but below 60% it is moderate. Between 60% 70% then it is Good.
Between 71% and 80% Very good and above 80% The Best.
Apart from the above matching, from the boys or
girls Moon sign should not be of sixth and eighth houses. It is called Sashta-ashtakam. Alsol
there should be no Dasa Sandhi, i.e. both the partner should not have same
Dasa running concurrently.
The next most vital things is of Mangal
Dosham, Kuja Dosham or the so called Chevvai Dosham. There are
numerous exceptions for all the above as per the Hindu Vedic Astrological
teachings. You may read my article on this subject in the other page titled
NAVAGRAHA PREETHI under Caption 'Mars' in this same site. It is all
about the placement of Mars in a natives Horoscope.
Despite all the matches, if a marriage fails
& no compatibility found then one will come to the conclusion that these
are all farce. What then the real meaning of search so many horoscopes and
finding the matches? Is it not a sheer waste of time and energy in doing so?
No. In fact the horoscope of either of them must
be wrong or the birth time given wrongly, or the Ayanamsa, Longitude &
Latitude given wrongly. If any of these are wrongly computed, then the entire
horoscope becomes invalid. Above all, fate supercedes everything! Just the
saying goes "marriages are made in heaven".
Navagraha i.e. The Major 9
What does it signify? Do these planets have
any influence on the earth? How can one define these influences ?
During the Vedic Era, the Sages and the Saints
known as Rishis and Munis used to calculate the time from the sunrise
till sunset by viewing the shadows. During night time they used the stars
positions to judge the time of the moment. Unlike these days they never had any
clock and measuring instruments, yet they were far more accurate in finding the
planetary positions and their movements. What they found is astonishingly
accurate to today's developed science and technology.
They identified the planets and its influence on
the earth and its particles so precisely that each planet has some relative
element in its existence. Listed below are some of the links and examples
that are quite relevant to Astrology and its notions.
Sun being the largest star in our Solar system,
while passing its rays to the earth, also touches many other planets
before entering into the earth's atmosphere. Thus radiation emanated from the
Sun is a mixture of rays with contamination from other planets. These mixed
rays are suitable for some and not so for others, whether human or otherwise.
To overcome these problems they found simple
solutions from nature itself and discovered that each planet is, in one or
other way linked to the nature, viz. tree, plants, grain, mineral and color
too. They precisely found the links and identified it with remarkable
For instance, wheat is identified with Sun and if
a person has the Star Sun placed in a weaker position, then he is advised to
substitute wheat with other food items. This is a corrective measure
which helped the sufferer from the ill effects of the planet/star.
Like wise, for each planet they marked a
particular grain, mineral, metal, tree or plant, color and flower. Within my
limited knowledge, I give below the list of each planet and its relative
substance on the earth. 0ne can then easily understand why an astrologer
suggests some gem or other to weed off the ill effects of a specific
planet. I am giving hereunder the sample stones also for one to
Alright. Now what about its effects and
influences on humans? How can one be sure which color or stone suites someone
best? What effect these gems will have on a person?
Let us study these points one by one.
First, let us discuss the planet Saturn. People in
general tend to fear saying this planet's name and are scared once
they find that they are under the influence of Saturn (Saade Sathi or the
so called Seven and half years period of Saturn's cycle).
Bengal Gram - Red
Lentil Gram
Green Gram
Yellow Sapphire
Indian Yellow Split
Peas (split Gram Lentil) Chana Dal
Soya Gram
Blue Sapphire
Sesame (Gingili)
Iron & Steel
Black Gram
Cat's Eye
Horse gram
Red stones
As listed above, Saturn is identified with Iron
& Steel and its rays contain Iron particles. When Iron substance is
excessively found in one's body then the neuron chips in the brain gets
disturbed. Thus the emitting of brain wave is also disturbed or scattered and
this puts a person under Saturn's effects to great hardship. People tend
to ignore this person. Many a time clashes occur. A person under its influence is
likely to slip from his or her routine. They are more often attracted
towards unwanted and unlawful activities. Greed takes them for a ride and
they may even tend to go for gambling, howsoever a refined person he or she may
Saturn is a very slow moving planet and it takes
roughly two and half years to cross one sign of 30 degrees. Unless it is
a new moon or full moon day, generally during all Saturdays, the atmospheric
pressure is very minimal. This low pressure in atmosphere causes
lethargic attitude in most of us and for those who suffer from the
Seven and Half years (Sade Sathi) period of Saturn, in particular. That's why
persons affected by it become lazy and lethargic during the ill effect period.
This I have seen in many peoples'
horoscopes that practically during the Saturn's ill effect periods known
as Sade Sathi, they tend to forget even most important assignment, lose
valuable items, become very lethargic and inactive, lose weight, and spend
money more than usual and mostly borrow it even if it is for higher interest
rates etc. thus taking him to a bad debt trap.
Many a person who suffered these bad effects were
given some remedial suggestions according to astrological considerations. If a
person wears a blue sapphire stone during that specific period, the Saturn's
ill effects are minimal. But how a stone or gem can bring solace is
questioned by many. The fact is that the mineral content in a particular stone
and the cosmic radiation combined together are beneficial, that much one
can be sure of. And there is always a link between our Mother Earth and the
Celestial movement of planets; even the researchers inform, that some sort of
sound emission from other planets too reaches the Earth; this sound vibration
too causes some disturbances with any person affected during the 7and half year
(Saade Sathi) period.
Some alternative methods are also suggested
to weed off Saturn's radiations. 0ne such suggestion is to light/burn the
gingili (sesame) seeds soaked into gingili (sesame) oil and
inhale the carbon. This method is practically done on every Saturday
evenings in the famous South Indian temples which hold a separate location for
the Temple of Planets. This method supposedly relieves one from
Saturn's ill effects, viz. by inhaling the gingili Carbon, the ventricles take
it directly to the brain and the chemical reaction caused in the brain releases
the excessive Saturn Radiations from the brain, through the seven visible holes
in the face itself - i.e. nostrils, ear, eyes and mouth. In addition, the
skull punch or the focal point, (from where brain waves are emitted) also
ventilates the Saturn's radiations. Saturn's rays are, presumably, thick
containing more iron substance/iodine.
Another such method is, just to keep the gingili
seeds into one's palm for few minutes and then to gift it to a Brahman. It is
said, that gingili seeds absorbs the Saturn's rays directly from the body and
gives relief to the sufferer. This is also done on a Saturday. It is widely believed
that the receiver of this gingili gets the ill effects of the Planet Saturn and
the receiver is mostly a Brahman who should take remedial measures to correct
the imbalances. This I shall discuss in a separate article under Duties of a
Stones! But all precious!!

These are remedial values too.
Next to Saturn, the
people in India are generally scared of the Shadow planet called Rahu which is
known as "Dragon's Head" or Ascendant Node. Though this is called a
shadow planet and it takes anti clock wise move, its influence in one's
horoscope is very high. Very particularly during its Dasa period of 18
years. Rahu represents many ill aspects in general. Rahu is
identified with Black Cobra, poison, Zircon, black magic, gambling, black gram,
black stone, blade grass (Dhruva in Hindi) menial jobs, slavery, all sorts of
skin ailments, venereal deceases, impotency, childlessness, jail/imprisonments
etc etc. In short this planet mostly gives only negative results when it is ill
placed in one's horoscope.
If Rahu is placed in the fifth house from Lagna
or Ascendant, then the native is most likely (he/she) childless and in some
cases only female issues and surely no male child. If there is any conjunction
with other planet, this result may, however, vary.
Likewise, if this planet is placed in the 6th
house, the native is likely to suffer from skin ailments, skin burns, dryness,
sore skin etc. That too when the Rahu Dasa is running; and if Rahu is
transiting through the 6th house, then ill effects are sure to be there and
critical too.
To weed off the negative aspects of this planet,
there are many remedial suggestions given in the ancient astrology. One such
suggestion is to consume the essence of the Blade Grass daily, about three
to five tea spoonfuls, for a consecutive 48 days. This way one gets his/her
blood purified and the skin ailment vanishes. This medicinal remedy is so
powerful that I have seen people getting better after consuming it.
Another kind of remedy somewhat resembles
pressure therapy. It is believed that if a person under Rahu's influence is
made to lay on the black gram seeds for a particular no. of hours then the
seeds absorb the ill effective rays from the body. Also the pressure of the
seeds on the body itself gives some massage like therapy thus one gets a
maximum benefit achieved by using the Black gram.
Now for the fourth alternate suggestion given in
the astrology scripts. It is widely known as a pilgrimage to the temples which
cures any ailments that relate to Rahu's placement in a native's birth chart.
There are 3 such temple locations for Rahu and Ketu. 0ne is in Trimbakeshwar in
Maharashtra, other at Kaalahasthi in Andhra Pradesh and the third is
Thirunaageswaram in Tamilnadu. To get more details on these and the benefits
one receives on a visit to any one of these places, please read my article
under head "Astrology, Myth & Facts" in this site. It is self explanatory.
The third Planet people worry
about is Ketu. This is also a shadow planet and it is always at 180
degrees opposite to Rahu. This planet too moves in anti clock wise direction.
Ketu is the kaaraka or cause for many good and bad events in one's life.
The well known Manglik, Kuja Dosham
or what they call as Chevvai Dosham.
Mars, is identified as the Ruling planet of earth
and known as Bhoomi Karaka. It is denoted with brothers, Fire, Accidents, cuts,
wounds, injuries, rudeness, anger, short temper, lethal weapon and War. It is
also a most feared planet in general and marriage alliance seekers in
People in India are too scared about the planet
Mars known as Kuja or Mangal. If this Planet is placed in the
2nd, 4th, 7th or 8th houses from one's ascendant or from the Moon sign in
their horoscope/Natal Chart, then it is really difficult for them to find a
suitable match and get married. It is a very foolish idea that marriages in
India are delayed only on this count. I know a number of persons affected by
branding them as "manglik" They fear that if a person is
married to a non manglik either one of them will die soon. The fear of
reduced longevity for one of the coupled makes everyone to think twice before
the wed lock.
As many astrologers profess this as a major cause
or set back for one's marriage, many of the match making efforts are tactically
rejected showing only on this count. No doubt, the planetary influences are to
the maximum extent causing some imbalances in everybody's life, it certainly
cannot be taken as granted to reject an alliance only on the ground that the
person is "manglik".
My father, Late Shri Mukkur
Ramabathrachariyar, has once clearly explained to me that a number of
matches can be found and suitable alliances can be arranged, if a proper study
of the horoscope is undertaken. For example, majority of the people who fall
under Positive Blood group are having the planet Mars in their1-2-4-7-8 or 12th
houses. However, there are exceptions given based on the placement of Mars occupying
or in conjunction with some beneficial planets. If these valuable points are
ignored, then really one misses his/her suitable alliance and wrongfully
confined and coupled with other non matching ones.
Likewise, majority of the Non manglik horoscopes,
which I have seen are of Negative Blood groups where Mars is placed in
their Natal Chart at 3-5-6-9-10 or 11th house from Ascendant or Moon sign. Here
again, many exceptions are given, someone having Mars in the 7th house can be
of Positive Blood group and some one who has the Mars placed in the 3rd or 5th
of their natal chart can be of Negative Blood group. But leaving the
exceptions, majority of the cases are as aforesaid.
Although it is the placement of the Mars that is
now being considered here, let us discuss some most vital points too. If the
birth time given is wrong, then the entire horoscope is wrong and meaningless.
In some cases, the Longitude & Latitude of the birth place is wrongly
given, then too, the natal chart erected goes wrong. In most cases, when
the birth is taking place in the hospitals, the birth timing is not so
seriously taken.
I found myself in the mess, that a staff nurse in
the hospital writing the timing as 2.30 PM, when my daughter was born at 1.06
pm exactly, and the doctor who attended the delivery confirmed it to me
personally & immediately on delivery. I was waiting outside the ward room
when it happened. And I did check and note the time. Alas, the staff nurse
found her time to note the entries only at a time that was suitable to her,
hence she fixed the birth time! In such cases, can one fully depend only on the
horoscopes' matching? Is there any astrologer who takes the risk and blame for
rejecting a perfect match, otherwise found to be manglik?
Also, there is a risk of of classifying a
person as manglik, if her/his birth takes place during a time, whence
even the fraction of minute can change the natal chart housing positions. They
are known as border cases or the junctions, when actually they may not be one!
I emphasis here, for the readers to understand
that manglik is not any untoward. Nor should one have any fear of it. It
is nothing but a classification of Blood group that can be judged by the
placement of Mars in their natal chart. In simples terms, Negative goes with
Negative and Positive with Positive. Whether it is electricity or human body,
the rule is same. So when next time you search for an alliance, if you find the
match is perfect in every respect excepting the placement of Mars, then better
you go for matching the blood group rather than fully depending on the
unpredictable astrology!!
I am not blaming the subject Astrology as
unpredictable, predictably, most of the astrologers do it in haste,
without considering the consequences. The rules, exceptions and inclusions are
there to see, but just simply they stamp a person as manglik, if the
Mars is placed in the houses of 1-2-4-7-8 & 12. This is where they fail and
mismatch many horoscopes that fails in practical life.
There are two systems to calculate one's
horoscope viz. Nirayana and Sayana; The Hindu and Indian system mostly follows
the Nirayana System that is vastly experienced as the best suited one. Now let
us study the effects of Chevvai known as Kuja or Mangal (Mars), as per the
Nirayana system. The placement of Mars or Mangal known in Tamil as Kujan and
its house-wise position effects are listed below. If the Lagna or Ascendant and
the Moons sign is same for a person, then it is considered that the
the Kuja dosham is doubled! It is most vital to see the Hindu System
astrological calculations, which is considered as an effective one in finding
the results. However, once should read the chart before coming to conclusion as
Mangalik, thoroughly from the Moon sign & Ascendant. According to the Devakolam
system now prevailing in Kerala and in some parts of Tamilnadu one should also
check this Mangal's effect from the Venus (Sukran) also.
As per the Ancient Indian Astrology Kuja
Dosham is considered an important aspect in marriage match making and compatibility.
The very word scares and sends shivers along the spine of the alliance seekers.
The moment they hear that Kuja Dosham exists in one chart, they drop it and say
you find a match with similar Dosham. Chevvai or Kuja Dosham means the
placement of Mangal- Kuja (Mars) in houses 1, 2,4,7,8,12 from Lagna as well
from Moon sign is bad and will cause death or separation of spouse and hence
should be avoided for marriage alliance unless both the parties have the same
extent of Chevvai / Kuja Dosham -Mangalik.
The second house from Lagna defined wealth, eye
sight, tongue, longevity, communication and transport and the presence of Mars
- Kuja in this affects the smooth sail of life in these fields and thus may
cause death or separation of spouse/life partner and hence should be avoided.
But there are exceptions for this, that is dealt in detail separately.
The placement of Mars/ Kuja in 4th house from
Lagna, the house that deals with the subjects of family, mother, and thus Mars,
a harsh and fiery planet, causes danger to those fields governed by the 4th
house and hence should be avoided for marriage alliance.
If the Mars is placed in the 7th house from
Lagna, the house of spouse and partners, should not have the presence of Mars -
Kuja and if present may cause disputes and death of spouse. So an alliance with
Mars in seventh house shall be avoided. If both are having the same proposition
then sure you can consider this for a match
The 8th house is for health, longevity and death
and if the Mars present here then it is a potentially a danger to the native of
the chart because it is considered the native as an accident prone and hence an
alliance with short life span person be avoided.
The 12th house is considered for Sayana, Moksha
& Viraya ( expenditure) and if Mars present in this house. it will
affect the longevity of the native hence an alliance with short span of life
should be avoided.
For the above reasons an alliance with a person
having Mars placed in 2,4,7,8 & 12 houses of the horoscope are considered
as people having Kuja Dosham or Mangalik and be avoided unless the other
party is also having same value and extent of Kuja Dosham-Mangalik. Mars
represents of a persons ego, self esteem, energy, will power, confidence and
temperament. If mars dosham is there then it can make a native's
temper volatile. Such natives have troubles adjusting with spouse, friends
& colleagues can at times become ruthless.
However traditional Indian system of Hindu
Astrology has given certain exemptions even if the Mars - Kuja placed in these
houses with the following simple conditions.
1. If Lagna or Moon sign is Capricorn (Makaram -
where Mars is exalted) OR in Cancer (where Mars is debilitated) or Leo (Simmam
as the Sun, Lord of Leo's Exalting House is Aries) Aries (Mesham) or
Scorpio (Viruchikam) as the last two being Mar's own house. The Kuja/Mangal
dosham will not affect or apply nor will do any harm to them.
2. If Mars is in 12th house and the 12th
house is Taurus or Libra then also the native will not have the applicability
of Kuja Dosham. This exception is given because both Taurus and Libra are the
direct 7th houses from Mar's own house.
3. Like wise Mars in 4th house and if the 4th
house falls in Aries and Scorpio then Kuja Dosham does not apply.
4. If the 7th house is in Capricorn or
Cancer and the Mars placed in any of them, then also Kuja Dosham does not
5. If Mars is positioned in the 8th house and the
8th house falls in Sagittarius or Pisces then Kuja Dosham does not apply.
6. If Mars is in conjunction with Jupiter (Guru)
or Sun (Suryan) or Sani, then the Mangalic effect is nullified.
7. A general opinion is that if Mars is in 2nd or
12th in the male horoscope or Mars in the 4th & 7th houses in female
horoscope or Mars in 8th in either of the horoscope, there is no escape from
Kuja Dosham. This single placement is considered too harsh to have Mangalik or
Chevvai or Kuja Dosham.
8. If Jupiter's 5th, 7th or 9th house aspect is
visible, then the native need not worry at all. If Mars is in conjunction with
Jupiter and Moon, then it is considered more lucky as Guru Mangala Yogam
and Gaja Kesari Yogam is combined together to weed off the ill effects!
9. Quite apart from the above, if Mangal or Mars
is in 8th house in conjunction with Venus known as Sukra, then it is really
more harmful. It is a must to find a suitable alliance only with the same
combination of horoscope. Venus in the 7th house aspect of Mars from 7th or 8th
house Drishti is still worse. It this happen to be the exalted house of Mars,
i.e. Makara, then surely a same combination of alliance should be sought. It is
just because, the physical and sexual demands will be more, or to say critically
high, so the partner should match this criteria.
If a person is born on a Tuesday, then not to
worry as for them, they are surely not a Mangalik, since the day lord Mars
Rules for the day, the Manglik effect is nullified to a maximum extent.
If Mars is in conjunction or aspect by Jupiter, Sun or Saturn, then too the ill
effects are nullified. According to Deva Kolam, even exchange of
house with Mars by any other planet causes this Dosham nullified. In
terms of Astrology and the Indian system I have listed few vital aspects of
the Kuja Dosham - Mangalik - Chevvai dosham. Now it is for
the reader just to judge and value the the above, comparing it with Science and
nature. The general and known house-wise effects of Mar's placement is listed
Mars dominated natives have a tremendous fire
like energy and if this energy is not utilized in something constructive then
the above related problem arises. This specific Mangal Dosham or Chevvai
Dosham is generally affect the marital life. Ill effects of Mars/Mangal in
the houses are as listed below; Let's see the house-wise effects of Mars in a
native's chart:
Mars in Lagna (Ascendant - 1st house):
It will directly aspect the houses 7th house and
also Its aspect (Drushti) is powerfully fall in the 8th house. 7th house
being the house of life partner, Mars will create quarrels even on minor
issues. Here it indicates physical violence and sexual abuse. Because of cruel
behavior of such a native will be despised by society. Will not be able to gain
Mars in the 2nd house:
The second house represents for Family, left eye
sight, Money, cash flow, and tongue. If Mars is placed in the 2nd house, then
the person is of curt, temperament, harsh, talkative and with rash in nature.
Mars in 4th house:
This house also represents happiness. This also
affects the work area. Will frequently change profession and jobs. Will not be
economically successful. No job security
Mars in 7th house:
Here it causes great anger. The native possesses
extra energy. If Mars placed equally in the 7th house of the couple, then the
physical pleasure would surely make them as happiest couple. If otherwise, the
person with Mars in the 7th house will never get any physical/ sexual
satisfaction from the partner as it will be a mis-matched couple. Therefore it
is most likely that the native has tendency to look from outside for his
pleasures, thus putting a question mark on his/her character. It makes such a
person with an abnormal interests such as domination, fetish, bondage. It is
most likely, that he/she will have some differences with family members.
Mars In 8th House:
Loss of paternal property and bad relationship
with the elders of the family. A person with lethargic attitude and lazy. No
help he/she will get from the co-borns. Will vile away the time and will expect
the spouse to earn.
Mars in 12th house:
Sudden financial losses are indicated in this
house. Lot of enemies and the enemies will always trouble such a native. Will
have lot of mental problems and anxiety. Lack of co-operation from brothers, or
No brother at all (Sahothra Nashtam).
However, the alignments of other planets, the
Drushti known as aspect and the conjunctive effects of rest of the planets are
more influencing factors in judgment. So, please do not conclude that the above
statement alone valid; it surely depends on of other factors too, which must be
considered before branding any one as mangalik.
No doubt, the ancient scholars did a splendid job
by identifying many of the planetary influences on the Earth, but they never
would have thought about our present day astrologers influences! Oh, how many
perfect suitable marriage alliances are rejected, how many mismatched ones are
coupled and how many divorces and death takes place just because of
horoscope mismatched bondages!
OH, NO MORE MISMATCHES, please. Just check the other qualities of
the prospective bride or groom, if only on the ground of manglik
it is rejected, then better you go for Blood Group check and match it fine from
there on. And this way, you can escape and be saved from the HIV infected
alliances too!
I am sure, the contents given above are an eye
opener to many of the alliance seekers and I write this with good intentions.
Surely, I am not blaming any Astrologers or their profession, but underline the
need to go for soul searching. In practical terms, I did come across as many as
300 horoscopes, that were matched by astrologers as best suited, but actually
the female partner suffers more, when the blood group is a mismatch. This too,
most often occurs, when they are pregnant and also post birth problems are of
more serious in nature.
Father is positive - mother is of negative blood
group. And if the child born with positive group, then the breast feeding is a
complicated one as the child's intake might make a lots of complication right
from the first time. At times, even the child may have to be kept under medical
observation for a longer period than the normal times. Like wise for the
negative blood group father and positive blood group mother and if the child is
of negative blood group, again same sort of problem occurs.
So, be sure, you match the blood group, when you
are branded as or in doubt about the Kuja Dosham, Manglik or Chevvai
Dosham. This will certainly give you the scientific value, if you consult a
medical practitioner too in this regard.
The following chart illustrate the placement of
Navagra in any Temple. While making Navratna stone set in any Ring, it is
highly recommended to follow the following picture explanation and to fix the
gem stones according to the guidance given in Vedic Astrology. Sun being the
centrist star, the Solar celestial phenomena needs to be understood properly. A
glance at the following navagra positioning would suffice to any goldsmith to
fix the stone accordingly; the following picture gives the directions of each
planet viz.: Sun at the Center, Mercury in the North East, Venus in the East,
Moon in the South East, Jupiter at the North, Mars at the Southern End, Dragons
Tail (Ketu) at the North West, Saturn in the West and the Dragon's Head (Rahu)
in the South West corner. These are the positioning of Navagraha in any of the
Navagraha Mandir known as Navagraha Temple:
Budhan (Green)
![]() |
Sukran White
![]() |
Chandran White
![]() |
Guru (Yellow)
![]() |
Suryan (Red)
![]() |
Kujan (Orange)
![]() |
Ketu (Multi-Color)
![]() |
Sani (Blue )
![]() |
Rahu (Black)
![]() |
The Navagraha (9 Planets) Temple
Locations in Tamilnadu
Now, for the benefit of the readers, I list below
the Navagraha Temples situated in Tamilnadu. Though there are many other
destinations for Specific Temple, these nine temples are situated at a
strategic location, from where one can take a tour to these Navagraha temples
in two or three days conveniently. Stationed from Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, one
can visit the Navagraha Temples situated in and around this town. The
approximate distance and time taken is indicated below. These distance quoted
are of approximate and only from starting point as Kumbakonam. This town has a
moderate population and can be accessed by road or Train from Chennai &
Trichi. Chennai and Trichirapally are connected by air. No five star luxury
hotels available but can be accessed from Trichy. If efficiently planned, or
with any experienced travel agency taking your assignment, one can take a day
return trip from Kumbakonam and finish off the visits in two days time.
The Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corpn. also arranges a regular 3 nights/4 days tour
visiting to all the following Navagraha Temple and also makes arrangements for
online bookings/accommodation & transport etc. but this tour originates
from Trichirapalli (Trichy) as base.
Navagraha Lord
Temple location
Distance and Route
Suryanar Koil ( Temple for Sun)
18 Kms. towards Mayiladuthurai Route
(3 Kms. from Aduthurai which is on the Kumbakonam - Mayiladuthurai Road)
Chandran (Temple for Moon)
1.5 Kms. from Thirupayhanam which is on
the Kumbakonam-Thiruvayyaru Road
Kujan (Temple for Mars)
Vaitheesvaran Koil
4 Kms. from Mayiladuthurai on the
Chidambaram Road.
Budan (Temple for Mercury)
10 Kms. SouthEast of Sirkali (Sirkazhi)
Lord Guru ( Temple for Jupiter)
19 Kms towards Mannargudi route or About
15 Kms. from Kumbakonam on the way to NeedaMangalam.)
Sukran (Goddess Venus Temple)
Kanchanoor (Kanjanur)
21 Kms. in Mayiladuthurai route (It is an
interior village on the Mayiladuthurai - Kathiramangalam Road.)
Saneeswaran ( Temple for Saturn)
48 Kms - Kumbakonam Karaikkal Route or
just on the way to Peralam- Karaikkal route, 5 Kms. from Karaikkal
Rahu (Temple for Dragon's Head)
(Ascendant node)
About 9 Kms in Kumbakonam Karaikkal route
Ketu (Temple for Dragon's Tail)
(Descendant note)
Kilperumpallam (Keezaperumpallam)
Near Poompuhar - on Mayiladuthurai-
Poompuhar road
All the above temples can be easily accessed from
Kumbakonam; The Navagraha temples, which are famous for each Planet, that are
situated around Mayiladuthurai. One can visit all
the 9 temples in a day, starting from Mayuram and
it has become quite a popular tourist circuit today. People having Ragu dosha
come here during Rahu (Raghu) kalam and perform Abishekas. Pancha Kaala Pooja
(Five times a day worship) are being done daily basis. Special Abhisekas are
performed between 4.30 to 6 p.m. (Raghu Kalam) on all Sundays. As far
the transport, there are government bus service
and train services are available. It is best advised to take a train service
from Chennai or Trichy, because it is economical and a quick
mode to reach Kumbakonam. More so, the roads are
not even and the journey makes one feel sick! Hotel accommodations are
available in and around Kumbakonam and the Hoteliers too
arrange for transportation on an arranged manner,
if a request is made in advance.
Horoscope Chart - Where
it begin - A specimen sketch:
The following chart shows the divisions and
allocations in degrees for each division; The first column that beginning
with "0" Degree is known as Aries and the proceed with 30 degrees
for each sign in Clockwise position. The Hindu Astrology name for each sign
given in Blue and degree allocations marked in Red. Now you can check your
birth chart known as Horoscope or Jathakam (Jadakam - Jadagam) and your Rasi
known as Moon Sign is where the Moon or Chandran is placed. In each house or
division of 30 degrees, the western name of the sign, Hindu Astrology based
Sanskrit name, house number and the total degree it holds are given one by
one in each line. The second chart shows the representing the Nakshatram
for each sign. The third chart just simply the Navamsa sign of each house or
Now within the Each 30 degrees, a sub division
of 13 degree 20 minutes counted as one constellation known as Nakshatram or
Star. Thus each 30 degree consist of 2 full and a quarter star (Nakshatra)
that equals to 108 quarters of all the 27 stars ( 27 x 4 quarter).
The above two chart give you a clear picture as
to star-wise as well as Degree-wise placement of constellations in each
house. These twelve houses are known as Rasi.
Whether it is north Indian style or South
Indian style of horoscope chart, normally both carry two chart namely Lagna
Rasi Chakram ( Lagna Kundali) and Navamsa Chakram (Navamsa Kundali). Though
the system and divisions in both style are the same, the only difference
being South Indian Horoscope Chart shown in Clock-wise movements, wherein North
Indian Horoscope charts are shown in Anti Clock-wise.
Though the Navamsa Kundali known as Navamsa
chakram is similar to the main horoscope chart, the planetary alignments are
positioned according to the placement of planets in the original main chart.
This is called as 9 divisions of nakshatra rasi to make Navamsa Kundali.
The above chart shows
01 as Ascendant. But practically, whichever the sign is falling into
ascendant that will be placed at the top (in place of 01 - here the 01 or the
Ascendant is not necessarily "Aries" but can be any other Lagna).
Then it is counted from there on, in anti-clock wise till the 12th sign. Most
important to note here is, that which ever the Lagna a person is born under,
placed on the top.
Now for the houses and
the moon sign along with Ruler of the houses, the following chart is given in
detail for a simple study. One can easily recognize the zodiac signs and its
influence with each body part and plus and minus points of its actual
placement at the time of birth. In the Natal chart erected for a person, the
planetary alignments are to be taken into account, while giving any judgment
for the same. However, the Running Dasa Bukti, and its sub, sub-sub divisions
are to be considered; also, the transition of any planet at a given time is
to be considered for predictions. The following Rasi Chakram Chart illustrate
the simple notations on the same.
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